It’s time to just get started.
No sitting around and thinking about what to write. No more putting it off to do other things. No more staring at a screen with half finished blogs. No more…
I’ve always wanted to write. I do write professionally, but its not quite the same. I mostly write/edit other people’s ideas.
Now, it’s time to write my own.
I’ve decided that thinking about ideas and never executing them is not going to get anywhere. I’m no longer going to write the odd blog every once in a while. I’m just going to write and not necessarily worry about gaining a large following. If people find what I am saying is interesting, then that’s fantastic. If not, there is not point in worrying about it. I’m going to write for me just like you should write for you.
One of the biggest hurdles is to make sure there is time to practice writing. More importantly, to ensure that dedicated practice has both long term and short term positive outcomes. I plan to implement elements of practice into my writing here to show real improvement.
So let me get started by saying,